Pike Fishing
at the Gouin Reservoir

If you want to capture large pike specimens, visit us at the Gouin Reservoir.

Several pikes over 10 lbs (9 kg) and some pikes over 20 lbs are caught each year.

Pikes hang out in shoals near the many quiet islands and small bays, so they are easy to fish.

On the surface, at depth, light casting, trolling and even fly fishing. All methods are effective.

The best places? As soon as you put your boat in the water!

Pikes are omnipresent at the Gouin Reservoir!!!

Book your pike fishing now

at the majestic gouin reservoir!

Some tips and tricks for fishing the northern pike

  • The speed of recovery of your lures or flies must be fast.
  • Grasslands at the bottom of the shallow bays with floating lures give the opportunity to put up a vigorous fight, especially in the evening.
  • Use surface weed-less lures in these bays: a pike’s attack on the surface is very spectacular.
  • There are so many pikes at the Gouin Reservoir that you only have to fish near any bank to capture them.

Examples of lures * :

*Suggestions and video by Patrick Campeau, columnist, and professional fisherman.

Check out the list of lures proposed by Mr. Campeau for pike fishing.

Some reminders on fishing regulations for the northern pike:

  • The catch limit for pike is 10.
  • No restriction on length or weight.
  • Pike fishing at the Gouin Reservoir starts mid-May and ends the following winter.
  • Live and dead baits are PROHIBITED.
Autres noms : Grand brochet du nord, brochet, brochet commun, requin d'eau douce

Other names: Northern Pike, Pike, Common Pike, Freshwater Shark

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